Saturday, 16 February 2013

Mosques and Muslim community in Minburi, Bangkok

We visited the leader of the Soh man community. 
Khun Peerapong on the left and, Khun Charoen ,on the right  who is the owner of the boat.

Along Khlong San sap, around Minburi and Nong chok. It is the residential area for the Muslim communities. In this area, there are Buddhist temples, Mosques and the Catholic Church. Though there are 3 religious but it is one of the peaceful area. People in this area are doing hard work to keep the canal clean. They are awarded as the best community to keep Khlong Sansap in such a good condition. You can even swim in this canal.

Below picture shows the Mosque Kamalul Islam.
 Almost 200 years ago, Muslim people who resided in this area immigrated from the south of Thailand. Their main career was farmer.  When the King Rama the fifth visited this mosque, the mosque was just a small wooden house. There was the big pile of sand on the ground.  The king asked "what this pile of sand is for?" The local answered that it was meant for the building of the mosque.
Since then, The king has given the name to this mosque as “sulao saai gong din”. Sulao means mosque in Thai. Saai means sand. Gong din means piling on the ground. Altogether, directly translated as the mosque that has the big pile of sand on the ground.

There are about 2000 families in this community which accounted about 20000 people.

Baan koh mosque is one of the biggest dome mosque in Thailand. Every weekend at this mosque, there is the Baan koh floating market. There are Muslim restaurants, local Muslim goods and services. Sometimes they have the performance show on the stage by the little Muslim students.

Muslim women group prepared and sold the famous ROTI!
Roti is a kind of Muslim snack. It is the flour fried with butter and topping it with condensed milk and sugar. Sometimes, you can add banana or egg if you like.


  1. Very nice article! Thank you for taking us on a journey with you through this article. Well done!

  2. Asalam o aleikum, my name is Syed Adeel Hussain i'm a refugee from pakistan i'm a muslim alhumdllilah i have 5 family members but i have no job if any can help me to get a job i will be most thankful to him i'm an educated person i have studied internal and external accounting i'm a bachelors in commerce too i can speak english and urdu easily my age is 25 my email address is my number is 0947706632, jazakallah khair.

  3. Masha Allah I would like to cost this mosque and beutiful community insha Allah from Melbourne

  4. Assalamualaikum. Insya Allah mungkin ramai saudara2 muslim kita di bangkok memahami tulisan dalam bahasa melayu ini.

    Semoga Allah Taala sentiasa memelihara saudara2 muslim kita di mana sahaja. Amin..

    Salam persaudaraan dari Muhammmad Ashar di Malaysia.

  5. assalamualaikum
    i want to do community service in this village. can i have any contact number?

  6. Very nice article! Thank you for taking us on a journey with you through this article.
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    تعتبر شركة تنظيف مساجد بالرياض من اهم الشركات التى تقوم بتنظف المساجد من الاهتمام بتنظيف السجاد والمراوح وتنظيف التكيفات والسلالم والحوائط والشبابيك والدرايش والابواب والمنبر والكراسى والكنب واى مكان متواجد فى المساجد من اجل ان تحصل على افضل النتائج المميزة فاذا اراد ان تحقق افضل ما تتمناه فى تنظيف مسجدك فعليك ان تتصل وتتواصل معنا على الاطلاق فى القيام بكل ما تتمناه الان مع شركة تنظيف مساجد .

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  8. Facebook: Halal trip Thailand also provides Muslim community tour services .Thannk you
